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The aim of the program is to strengthen communication between departments and departments within the company, creating team spirit and developing joint decision-making skills. At the end of the program, the participants will learn to interpret each other and meet their needs as internal customers, learn productivity enhancing techniques in joint decision-making processes, and gain personality traits for division of labor. They will identify their own strengths and weaknesses in team play and learn to take advantage of the characteristics they identify in others while motivating the team and communicating.



  • What is a team, what is the rationale for being a team?

  • What are the Benefits of the Team to the Organization?

  • How to Build and Lead a Team?

  • Stages of Forming a Team

  • Characteristics of Successful Team Members

  • Features of an Effective Team Leader

  • Effective Teamwork Barriers and Teamwork Model

  • Consensus-Oriented and Problem-Oriented Members

  • What Do Learning Teams Bring to the Organization?

  • Teamwork Results

  • Methods Used in Teamwork

  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

  • Brainstorming, Cause and Effect Analysis

  • Roles of Members in Teamwork

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Motivation of Team Members



Theoretical knowledge, case studies, testing, practice and group work.​



2 days



All professionals who want to improve themselves in teamwork, team leadership and being a team member.

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